Saturday, January 31, 2009

Setting that must be changed at your Home CRM Outlook Client

This few step will allow you to work with the CRM Outlook Client Out of office.
There are several Settings that must be checked and changed before you install the CRM Outlook Client. 
Follow the next Steps:

1) In the Address of CRM server DON'T Write http://crm as it is in your office, Instead write the FULL path to the CRM for Example :

2) Place the the URL : that we have just spoke about to "Trusted Sites" in the Computer you'r installing the CRM Outlook Client. in order to do so follow the next steps :

A) Open Internet Explorer

B) Go to Tools Choose Internet Options

C) Go to Security Tab, Choose Trasted Sites and then Press the SITES Button

D) Place the Address * to the Websites list, and uncheck the check button

E) Press the Custom Level Button to get into the Advanced Policy of Trasted Sites Scroll till the end of the list mark the "Automatic logon with the current user name and password" then press OK. if you get an alert that wants you to confirm the change, Press YES to confirm it.

F) Press OK to Confirm the changes that were made and to close the window.

G) On the Internet Explorer go to the server with your address :

H) In the authentication popup window your name : DOMAIN\USER
and the Password you use in your office. Check the Save password checkbox then Prees OK

I) Now you can close the CRM window, your password is saved in the system

J) If you have Installed The CRM Outlook Client Before you have made those changes remove the CRM Outlook Client and reinstall it.

Now The CRM Outlook Client Suppose to Work Just Fine.

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